Entrepreneurs let's make 💰💰💰!
Build a company
To create a company you need to:
Have enough crew members to establish it.
Own a planet or a rented space on someone else's planet.
Company types
Choosing the right type of company for your faction can be a strategic choice both for you and for the faction. Please refer to the Items section to get information on all recipes available.
Check the demand for items you're about to produce (same as you would do it for a real business)
Check if there are enough raw materials available to buy for your company
Do the math, and see if it would be profitable
The amount of items a company can produce depends on the number of raw materials you have available.
To upgrade a company to the next level, producing better items, you need to have enough crew members to assign and it will use even more raw materials.
You cannot sell a company, but you can dissolve it.
Companies cannot be attacked.
The production of items takes time.
Companies can only produce 1 item type at a time. You can change the production type if you want.
The level of the item is equal to the level of the company.
Last updated